Admintools has a very powerful firewall function that can detect abnormal behavior on your website. Sometimes you yourself can become a victim of this. Doctor Joomla has the cure for you!

If admintools for some reason has locked you out of your own site, you can disable admintools with the following steps.

  1. Make sure you have FTP access to your website
  2. Log on to your website via FTP
  3. Go to folder /plugins/system/admintools
  4. Rename the main.php to main.old
  5. Now you can login to your website again. 
  6. Fix the admintools issues
  7. Log on to your website via FTP
  8. Go to the folder /plugins/system/admintools
  9. Rename the main.old back to main.php
  10. Admintools now is functioning as it should, and you should have access to your admin panel again.


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