
Title Modified Date
Loop through recordset

How to select and loop through a recordset is shown below. Wht a results, and a loop option:

$jn_where="state = 1";
$jn_orderby="id asc";
19 May 2022
Easy SQL statement

As simple as 4 rules of code you can do create a mySQL statment for database interactions.

04 November 2021
Disable user registration

By default users cannot register unless you enable them to. This is a Joomla setting.

14 January 2020
Remove article ID from URL

Some time ago the new router became active in Joomla, enabeling you to remove the article ID from your URL.

14 January 2020
Customize the login page and admin template

For small businesses it is always a nice service to have a custom made joomla login page. How can we do this? Doctorjoomla to the rescue!

14 January 2020
Allow offline access

When your site is set to offline, you might want some users, other than admin's to be able to login to the site to see the updates happening. By default this is not possible. Doctor Joomla to the rescue!

20 December 2019
Simple update statement in Joomla

Below you can find a simple update statement for PHP in Joomla!

31 October 2019
Increase upload limit in Joomla

Increasing the max upload size is done in the following manner:

14 January 2020
Referrer policy

It can happen that your browser gives a console error at line 1 ( <html> ) of your website, saying things about referrer policy, like this:

23 July 2019
Force https redirect

You can use the Joomla settings to enforce https redirect, but if in some case this does not work properly you can use the following code in your .htaccess file.

To force all of the web traffic (every link in your website) to use HTTPS insert the following lines of code in the .htaccess f ...

08 July 2019
Add SSL to XAMPP installation

If you need to add a Free SSL to your XAMPP install (windows), this is a small tutorial on how to do this:

First, you need to make sure your firewall resolves port 80 and 443. Setup the appropriate rules in your router for this. Enable port 80 and 443 to your servers IP and have TCP en UP ...

23 July 2019
PHP warnings after install

When after installation of the joonextpro template on for instance a XAMPP install, there is no reason for concern.

16 March 2019
Add captcha to your site

To make the default Joomla forms more secure, and safe from spammers, you can add a captcha to your Joomla site. This tutorial shows you how to do just that.

14 January 2020
Syncing databases

When you have to use external databases with for instance Fabrik, there is no problem when it comes to making connections to other MySQL databases. But when you have to link to an MSSQL database, Joomla does not support this. 

21 January 2019
Joomla Query with WHERE and AND

When writing a Joomla module or component, you can access the database with the JDatabase option.

16 January 2019
Load joomla 4 framework in external PHP page

Below you can find a script that loads the joomla 4 (only 4) framework on an external PHP page

26 June 2023
Show module positions

You can have all your module positions shown on your website. 

11 January 2019
Article versions

Sometimes you might want to go back to the previous version of an article. Joomla has that option for you, by default, it is turned on. 

14 January 2020
Change appearance article info

The article info, such as author, creation date, views etc, by default is displayed below each other.

14 January 2020
Add contacts

You can use Joomla's contacts option to add a contact form to your website. This video will show you how this is done.

10 January 2019

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